Buff Portal Tutoring

Buff Portal Tutoring

A new feature for the University of Colorado Boulder’s student portal that matches students with free tutoring and learning resources provided by the university

A new feature for the University of Colorado Boulder’s student portal that matches students with free tutoring and learning resources provided by the university



CU Boulder UXRD Team

CU Boulder Office of Undergraduate Education

CU Boulder UXRD Team

CU Boulder Office of Undergraduate Education



Buff Portal (responsive web application)

Buff Portal (responsive web application)



6 months

6 months

My Role

My Role

User Research and Prototyping

User Research and Prototyping




Amara Filochowski

Madison Lolicata

Erica Hung

Lukas Voemel

Ted Thayer


Amara Filochowski

Madison Lolicata

Erica Hung

Lukas Voemel

Ted Thayer



Buff Portal - CU Boulder’s new student portal

Buff Portal - CU Boulder’s new student portal

Buff Portal launched in spring 2020 as CU Boulder’s new student portal, built by the university’s User Experience Research and Design (UXRD) team in close collaboration with students and campus offices. As part of CU Boulder’s Design for America studio, my student team partnered with the UXRD team to continue building out Buff Portal through a student-centered lens.

Buff Portal launched in spring 2020 as CU Boulder’s new student portal, built by the university’s User Experience Research and Design (UXRD) team in close collaboration with students and campus offices. As part of CU Boulder’s Design for America studio, my student team partnered with the UXRD team to continue building out Buff Portal through a student-centered lens.

Buff Portal home page (August 2020)

Buff Portal home page (August 2020)



Buff Portal was missing information about free university tutoring resources

Buff Portal was missing information about free university tutoring resources

A few months after launch, Buff Portal was still in the early stages of becoming a centralized tool for students to find anything they might need at the university. After discussions with the UXRD team, my student team decided to take on the challenge of adding information about free university tutoring resources. Many of us had seen students willing to pay their peers for tutoring over social media platforms, and we felt that adding this information to Buff Portal had the potential to save students time and money by taking advantage of resources already provided by the university.

A few months after launch, Buff Portal was still in the early stages of becoming a centralized tool for students to find anything they might need at the university. After discussions with the UXRD team, my student team decided to take on the challenge of adding information about free university tutoring resources. Many of us had seen students willing to pay their peers for tutoring over social media platforms, and we felt that adding this information to Buff Portal had the potential to save students time and money by taking advantage of resources already provided by the university.

Facebook posts from students willing to pay for tutoring

Facebook posts from students willing to pay for tutoring

UX Research

UX Research

Understanding student and campus perspectives on tutoring

Understanding student and campus perspectives on tutoring

Without much knowledge of the tutoring landscape at CU Boulder, my team met with 12 undergraduate students and representatives from 3 campus tutoring centers for quick interviews to understand:

• What types of tutoring resources are available at the university

• When and why students seek out tutoring or other academic support

• What level of awareness students have about university tutoring resources

Without much knowledge of the tutoring landscape at CU Boulder, my team met with 12 undergraduate students and representatives from 3 campus tutoring centers for quick interviews to understand:

• What types of tutoring resources are available at the university

• When and why students seek out tutoring or other academic support

• What level of awareness students have about university tutoring resources

We uncovered 4 main insights:

We uncovered 4 main insights:

Students don’t want to spend money on tutoring but were not aware of free university tutoring resources
Students don’t want to spend money on tutoring but were not aware of free university tutoring resources

My team decided it would be best to only promote resources in Buff Portal that are provided by the university at no cost to students.

My team decided it would be best to only promote resources in Buff Portal that are provided by the university at no cost to students.

There is no standardized scheduling tool for students to make appointments
There is no standardized scheduling tool for students to make appointments

With many vendor scheduling tools, this insight presented a need for Buff Portal to direct students to the proper scheduling tool and make the scheduling process easy.

With many vendor scheduling tools, this insight presented a need for Buff Portal to direct students to the proper scheduling tool and make the scheduling process easy.

Some tutoring centers can only be used by specific student populations while others can be used by all
Some tutoring centers can only be used by specific student populations while others can be used by all

This insight presented a need for a personalized experience in Buff Portal that shows tutoring resources to a student based on the student populations that they fall into.

This insight presented a need for a personalized experience in Buff Portal that shows tutoring resources to a student based on the student populations that they fall into.

Students currently seek academic help from teaching assistants in office hours and help rooms
Students currently seek academic help from teaching assistants in office hours and help rooms

This insight expanded our awareness of other types of academic support that would be beneficial to include in Buff Portal such as office hours and help rooms.

This insight expanded our awareness of other types of academic support that would be beneficial to include in Buff Portal such as office hours and help rooms.

Existing CU Boulder webpages related to tutoring made it hard for students to find the cost of resources and understand which resources apply to them, becoming a rabbit hole of redirecting links.

Existing CU Boulder webpages related to tutoring made it hard for students to find the cost of resources and understand which resources apply to them, becoming a rabbit hole of redirecting links.

Office of Undergraduate Education tutoring webpage (August 2020)

Office of Undergraduate Education tutoring webpage (August 2020)



How might we use the structure of Buff Portal to promote free and personalized tutoring resources so that students are empowered to seek academic support?

How might we use the structure of Buff Portal to promote free and personalized tutoring resources so that students are empowered to seek academic support?

Our research insights helped us understand that students are seeking support in their classes and want to take advantage of the free tutoring resources on campus. However, when already struggling in a class, the last thing they want to do is spend time figuring out which resources are free and available for them to use.  It was crucial for tutoring information in Buff Portal to be personalized, promote only free resources, and streamline the scheduling process.

Our research insights helped us understand that students are seeking support in their classes and want to take advantage of the free tutoring resources on campus. However, when already struggling in a class, the last thing they want to do is spend time figuring out which resources are free and available for them to use.  It was crucial for tutoring information in Buff Portal to be personalized, promote only free resources, and streamline the scheduling process.



Low-fidelity whiteboarding session

Low-fidelity whiteboarding session

My team held an hour-long virtual whiteboarding session, where we began exploring low-fidelity design concepts. At the end of the session, we were left with a few promising ideas.

My team held an hour-long virtual whiteboarding session, where we began exploring low-fidelity design concepts. At the end of the session, we were left with a few promising ideas.

Creating a new card in Buff Portal with personalized tutoring resources

Creating a new card in Buff Portal with personalized tutoring resources

A new card in Buff Portal would bring the most visibility to these resources and provide a direct hit for students using the search bar in Buff Portal’s navigation menu.

A new card in Buff Portal would bring the most visibility to these resources and provide a direct hit for students using the search bar in Buff Portal’s navigation menu.

Adding tutoring resources to Buff Portal’s “Your Classes” card

Adding tutoring resources to Buff Portal’s “Your Classes” card

Buff Portal already had a personalized card that shows students the classes they are enrolled in. Adding tutoring resources to this card could provide a secondary place to view this information in relation to a student’s classes and direct students to the tutoring card for more details.

Buff Portal already had a personalized card that shows students the classes they are enrolled in. Adding tutoring resources to this card could provide a secondary place to view this information in relation to a student’s classes and direct students to the tutoring card for more details.

Adding tutoring resources to CU Boulder’s online campus map

Adding tutoring resources to CU Boulder’s online campus map

Though this idea was not related to tutoring in the student portal, it seemed like a simple improvement that could increase student awareness around university-provided tutoring resources. The tutoring card in Buff Portal could also link directly to this map if students want to receive tutoring support in person.

Though this idea was not related to tutoring in the student portal, it seemed like a simple improvement that could increase student awareness around university-provided tutoring resources. The tutoring card in Buff Portal could also link directly to this map if students want to receive tutoring support in person.

Client Feedback

Client Feedback

Deciding to build a singular tutoring card

Deciding to build a singular tutoring card

We presented our ideas to the UXRD team as well as the Office of Undergraduate Education to gather their feedback on our ideas. Because Buff Portal had the ability to display information to students based on their academic data, we decided on the approach of designing a single tutoring card that displays personalized resources to students based on academic attributes such as college, major, year in school, and/or enrolled classes.

We presented our ideas to the UXRD team as well as the Office of Undergraduate Education to gather their feedback on our ideas. Because Buff Portal had the ability to display information to students based on their academic data, we decided on the approach of designing a single tutoring card that displays personalized resources to students based on academic attributes such as college, major, year in school, or enrolled classes.

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Validating designs with 5 undergraduate students

Validating designs with 5 undergraduate students

I spearheaded the effort to build out an interactive prototype of the new tutoring card that my team then validated through 1-1 usability testing sessions with 5 undergraduate students. Our research goals were to:

• Ensure student understanding of card content

• Ensure student understanding of which resources are being displayed to them (free and personalized)

• Assess the ease/difficulty of scheduling appointments through the new card

• Identify where the card should be located within Buff Portal

I spearheaded the effort to build out an interactive prototype of the new tutoring card that my team then validated through 1-1 usability testing sessions with 5 undergraduate students. Our research goals were to:

• Ensure student understanding of card content

• Ensure student understanding of which resources are being displayed to them (free and personalized)

• Assess the ease/difficulty of scheduling appointments through the new card

• Identify where the card should be located within Buff Portal

Open prototype in full screen view for best experience

Open prototype in full screen view for best experience

The tutoring card was a success with 4 out of 5 students saying they would use the card when seeking academic support…

The tutoring card was a success with 4 out of 5 students saying they would use the card when seeking academic support…

It's nice just having it all in one space, having it designed based on your schedule. You can see what resources will help you with specific classes.

It's nice just having it all in one space, having it designed based on your schedule. You can see what resources will help you with specific classes.

The UI is easy and clear to understand…Showing that it's recommended for X or Y class, it's really helpful and you know there's someone who can help you.

The UI is easy and clear to understand…Showing that it's recommended for X or Y class, it's really helpful and you know there's someone who can help you.

Usability testing revealed that students wanted the card to be on the same page as the Your Classes card so that they can see tutoring information when seeking help in specific classes.

Usability testing revealed that students wanted the card to be on the same page as the Your Classes card so that they can see tutoring information when seeking help in specific classes.

…but there were still some improvements to be made.

…but there were still some improvements to be made.

• Making copy adjustments on the first level of the card

• Reducing the amount of text describing each resource

• Moving the scheduling link to the top of the link list

• Adding information around resource hours, locations (in-person/remote), session limits, and settings (one-on-one, group)

• Making copy adjustments on the first level of the card

• Reducing the amount of text describing each resource

• Moving the scheduling link to the top of the link list

• Adding information around resource hours, locations (in-person/remote), session limits, and settings (one-on-one, group)

Changes made to the first level of the card based on usability testing feedback

Changes made to the first level of the card based on usability testing feedback

Changes made to the second level of the card based on usability testing feedback

Changes made to the second level of the card based on usability testing feedback

Final Design

Final Design

Implementing a minimum viable product

Implementing a minimum viable product

After making final changes to the tutoring card with my student team, I was hired by the UXRD team as a UX designer, and I was able to see the project through to implementation over the summer. At the time, Buff Portal did not have a content management system where campus representatives could maintain details for each resource, so I worked with our team’s developers to implement a card that is still personalized but links to external sites with the most up-to-date information for students.

After making final changes to the tutoring card with my student team, I was hired by the UXRD team as a UX designer, and I was able to see the project through to implementation over the summer. At the time, Buff Portal did not have a content management system where campus representatives could maintain details for each resource, so I worked with our team’s developers to implement a card that is still personalized but links to external sites with the most up-to-date information for students.

MVP version of the tutoring card with links to tutoring resources

MVP version of the tutoring card with links to tutoring resources



83,000+ student views in Buff Portal

83,000+ student views in Buff Portal

The Tutoring & Learning Resources card was released in Buff Portal to all undergraduate students in September 2021, and has since been viewed more than 83,000 times by students. 

A year later, the UXRD team built out a content management system for Buff Portal, which allowed us to add resource details back into the card so students don’t have to visit another website with this information. New resources continue to be added into the card as the university works to make more student data attributes available to the UXRD team.

The Tutoring & Learning Resources card was released in Buff Portal to all undergraduate students in September 2021, and has since been viewed more than 83,000 times by students. 

A year later, the UXRD team built out a content management system for Buff Portal, which allowed us to add resource details back into the card so students don’t have to visit another website with this information. New resources continue to be added into the card as the university works to make more student data attributes available to the UXRD team.

Final version of the tutoring card - first level

Final version of the tutoring card - first level

Final version of the tutoring card - second level

Final version of the tutoring card - second level

Additionally, campus leadership followed through on one of our initial ideas to add tutoring and learning resource centers to CU Boulder’s online campus map, allowing students to more easily find the on-campus locations for each resource center.

Additionally, campus leadership followed through on one of our initial ideas to add tutoring and learning resource centers to CU Boulder’s online campus map, allowing students to more easily find the on-campus locations for each resource center.

Tutoring and learning resources in CU Boulder’s online campus map

Tutoring and learning resources in CU Boulder’s online campus map



Stay open minded

Stay open minded

While the goal of the project was to create a tutoring feature for the student portal, I was surprised to see my team’s idea of adding tutoring and learning resources to the campus map come to fruition. By staying open minded while coming up with design concepts, we were able to deliver multiple solutions to improve the student experience with tutoring at the university.

While the goal of the project was to create a tutoring feature for the student portal, I was surprised to see my team’s idea of adding tutoring and learning resources to the campus map come to fruition. By staying open minded while coming up with design concepts, we were able to deliver multiple solutions to improve the student experience with tutoring at the university.

Get users to their goal as quickly as possible 

Get users to their goal as quickly as possible 

During usability testing, we learned that students did not want to read long descriptions for each resource. Instead, they wanted high-level information so that they could schedule appointments with the resource centers and receive help as quickly as possible. I realized the importance of distilling and centralizing information for users in order to get them to their goal faster, a lesson I will remember in future projects.

During usability testing, we learned that students did not want to read long descriptions for each resource. Instead, they wanted high-level information so that they could schedule appointments with the resource centers and receive help as quickly as possible. I realized the importance of distilling and centralizing information for users in order to get them to their goal faster, a lesson I will remember in future projects.

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